I love when my ipod knows what type of mood I'm in.
When I'm having a sh*tty day (like today) I shuffle the songs and they speak to me. Today I'm dealing with addiction (non drug related), anger, loneliness, stress and exhaustion. I've heard the first few songs so many times but these lyrics just popped out at me today...
"You ever want something that you know you shouldn't have?
And the more you know you shouldn't have it...
the more you want it?"-Rhymefest
"Go straight to hell boy..." -Clash
"Many is a word that only leaves you guessing. Guessing about a thing you really ought to know." -Led Zeppelin
"You only see what your eyes want to see. How can life be what you want it to be" -Madonna
"How long must you wait for it? How long must you pay for it?" -Coldplay
"Your ears are full but your empty.
Holding out your heart to people who never really care how you are." -Blur
I need to set shuffle dates more often.
I love this! I have had it happen as well (very rarely, but it does) It's like the iPod "got smart" and started reading my mind. Very trippy.